The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is hosting the 2020 Sustainable Communities Conference from October to 20-22nd this year. Originally planned to be hosted in St. John’s Newfoundland, it will now be a virtual event. While in-person events are always a lot of fun, doing it virtually significantly reduces the cost and environmental impact to attend - while keeping us safely socially distanced.
The Sustainable Communities Conference will bring together world-leading experts and Canada’s most dedicated local practitioners for in-depth conversations and learning sessions, all with a mission to help cities and communities across the country be more sustainable for the people we serve.
FoodCycler is exhibiting at the event to showcase our innovative municipal solutions – a cost-effective way for municipalities to divert food waste from the landfill. Since organics make up almost half of household waste, diverting them can have a big impact on overall waste tonnage.
Many large municipalities have chosen curbside green bins as the preferred approach to organics diversion. They benefit from denser housing and economies of scale!
However, the vast majority of Canadian municipalities may not have the scale or facilities required to put in curbside green bins in a cost-effective way. That’s one of many places FoodCycler can help!
By putting a FoodCycler in every home, diversion takes place at the household level and the by-product can either be used directly in resident’s gardens or dropped off for use in community gardens, parks, or agriculture. No food waste ends up in the landfill and no greenhouse gases are created during transportation.
FoodCycler had considerable success in the City of Nelson, British Columbia during a 3-month pilot project that has recently been expanded. Stop by our booth to learn more about this project!
The FoodCycler team is excited to attend and we hope to see you there! Don’t forget to enter the draw prizes – one of them is your very own FoodCycler!